Sunday, March 4, 2012

3/4  My wife Melba is out of town so I’m listening to the news while reading some other news, then thinking of this blog and questions of relevance. but what can we do about all the shit coming down as only partially revealed in the news?
     you can’t beat science with science. and what is science anyway but the most powerful belief system. probably belief has nothing to do with it. we are part and parcel, made of the same stuff as this dimension we call a universe. here (or should I say here/now. here is so attached to where, to place; but when we are at a place is just as important.) gravity pulls us toward the earth’s center, time only goes in one direction—but are those the only options?
     Buddhism and other mystical traditions/perceptions can say all about us is illusion (and we are part of it.) quanta of realities, higher and lower states that can at times interlap. at its simplest our reality is a constant battle between good and evil, energy and entropy, plus and minus. if news and other realities can get you in harmony with their downcast messages, that negative energy is strengthened by your affect, emotional collapse, apathy.
     everything that’s put out goes somewhere. by radiating your creative, nurturing, etc. attributes you can help turn the tide. life is a battle for hearts and minds, for souls/spirits. sometimes the actions of our positive selfs can spark a break through into a wider dimension—art does this, as can love and beauty. the aesthetic is to shine, to keep sending out, to catch the multi-dimensional wind in those seconds when a door opens ever so slightly and so much comes through.

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