3/11 Jim G talking to
me about the intelligence of the cells, how they know what to do, to be, are
the designers/ of course we can enhance the cells by going along with them,
being in tune with. this relates to tao and Buddhism. letting it be. the harder
you chase the faster it runs. as ive said before, this micro-dimension that is
our universe has a number of set parameters, and as all us beings and things
are also set to these parameters, we are part of the substance of our
existence, the buddha-nature. trying to control/shape the flow from our perceived
needs is to interfere with the fuller potential, impeding its progress or setting
growth off in an inappropriate direction.
I’d like to take the receptive attitude toward my poetry—let
it come; since language knows more than I do I can’t force it—toward my life
but I can’t afford to wait that long, have many more decisions to make than
poems I will ever write. selective freedom.
embracing opposites—capable of the dull, deliberate actions
of bureaucratic work, step by rote step, fill in all the proper areas of the
form, while experience these momentary blasts of the language universe. I drink
malt liquor and high end micro crews, belgians. best reference to this being
fritjof capras tao of physics. the einsteinian curvature where all parts are
circular (or spiral, or from another perspective discontinuous), what you think
you know can keep you from realizing other things/truths/possibilities.
as the story goes adam & eve were thrown out of paradise
coz they ate of three of knowledge of good and evil. before they realized there
was a difference they were in paradise. once you separate yourself from the
universe, make imaginary distinctions/separations your world changes. already
knew we were in trouble when god had adam name the creatures and all, names are
signs of separation and control. I train my dog to come when I say her name. my
cat says I’m untrainable..
it’s difficult to believe fully in a life that you know will
end, no ones knows what’s next or if next is. hence religion, acquisition, art
other things as ways of extending our existence. if perception can changes
universes what can faith do. when people commit to the world view of a strict
religion, they can shut out the rest of the worlds. this can help explain the
delusional statements of right wing american politicians (and others elsewhere I
am sure)—of course some of these politicians are just saying what will please
their donors, but many in the audience accept the lie/deception as truth
because of the extra rules/parameters that control the sub-sub-dimension they’ve
committed to.
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