4/25 this dance with
this blog. how can I have something to say, drudge & isolato that I
am. read a recent blog post from Chris Cottrell
(thethepoetry.com), fine poet, editor
and literary activist here, talking about the renaissance of the
portland poetry scene, “important”
readings. and it’s great for this energy to be about. I cant say too much as I
don’t go out to hear the poetry, which to me is the criteria. folks
communicating, exchanging ideas now and later, yeah, but what’s being
people have networks. despite the bad economy some folks are
travelling around, staying with friends and reading here and there. one house series
in town, whose title has suicide in it, had Eileen Myles read (she was in town for a PSU reading), while
another had a poet listed as among 2011’s best by the new york times) these are
good connections.
what ’xactly is the measure of poetic activity, thinking
quality and quantity must both be factors.
places. strata. how much cross-connection is happening between
scenes/series. some overlap, some don’t. open mikes share being that kind of
reading; some folks visit various series, while some tend to the same venue.
I feel a little weighted by my history, maybe viewed as
established coz of duration, coz I’m not much social, but I’m not an insider,
not a teacher, (though most colleges don’t do much to spread word of writers
coming to read, and tend to totally ignore local writers) operating solo. in my
past and currently limited activities have gone more for bringing together a
variety of folks, which other than Show and Tell doesn’t happy much elsewhere.
probably haven’t done a good job at connecting more with newer folks and
factions. have a sense of connection with Show and Tell and with Spare Room, despite my rare appearances.